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Double Bed Project
"Double Bed Project" is a artwork discussing the boundary mutation between the art work and the observers/viewers, also the possibilities of communication between the public and personal space. In Nov. 2014, I joined the "Free Art Fair Taipei" held in Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, with more then 200 artist booths and crowds over 20 thousands. I place a doube bed in my booth and slept well on one side of it, and my partner invited passers-by to sleep with me.
雙人床計畫旨在探討藝術作品和觀者間的界線變換, 與群眾和私人空間的多重可能。2014年11月, 在台北華山藝文中心倉庫舉辦為期兩天的"藝術自由日", 共有約200個參展攤位與超過2萬名參展民眾。我將一張雙人床放置於展場攤位上, 並熟睡於雙人床的一邊, 邀請路過的民眾與我共枕。
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